Chrome OS Settings
This page explains how to connect a Chrome OS device to eduroam.
Please note: Due to the way Chrome OS works, you will not be able to connect to
eduroam from the login screen, so if you've never logged in to your Chromebook before or if Chrome OS needs to verify your
password, you'll need to use a different connection.
Configure Wi-Fi settings
- Choose eduroam in the list of available wireless networks.
- Select PEAP as the EAP method.
- Set the Phase 2 authentication to MSCHAPv2.
- Choose AddTrust External CA Root as the Server CA certificate.
- If you are a member of staff, enter your University username followed by (e.g. in the Identity box.
- If you are a student, enter your University username followed by (e.g. in the Identity box.
- Carefully enter your University password in the Password box.
- Tick the Save identity and password option and press Connect.
If you cannot connect, check that:
- You are at a location with good signal strength.
- You have remembered to add to the end of your username.
- You are typing your University password correctly.
These settings will only work if you have a University of Reading username - if you are from a different organisation, you will need to refer to your home organisation for the correct instructions.
If you require further assistance, please contact the IT service desk.