Symbian Settings

This page explains how to connect a device running Symbian, such as a Nokia N95, to eduroam.

Configure Wi-Fi settings

  1. Go to Settings > Connection > Access Points.
  2. Select Options, then New Access Point.
  3. Use the following settings:

    Connection name eduroam
    Data bearer Wireless LAN
    WLAN network name eduroam
    Network status Public
    WLAN network mode Infrastructure
    WLAN security mode WPA/WPA2

  4. Select WLAN security settings and choose EAP for WPA/WPA2.
  5. In the EAP plug-in settings menu, ensure only EAP-PEAP is selected, then go to the EAP-PEAP Settings tab.
  6. Select AddTrust External CA Root as the Authority certificate.
  7. For staff, set User name in use to User defined, and enter your University username (without
  8. For staff, set Realm in use to User defined, and enter as the realm, in lower case.
  9. For students, set User name in use to User defined, and enter your University username (without
  10. For students, set Realm in use to User defined, and enter as the realm, in lower case.
  11. Choose Yes for Allow PEAPv0 and No for all other Allow PEAP options.
  12. In the EAPs tab, choose only EAP-MSCHAPv2.
  13. For staff, under the EAP-MSCHAPv2 Settings, enter the user name as your University username followed by (e.g., choose No for Prompt password, and enter your University password in the password field.
  14. For students, under the EAP-MSCHAPv2 Settings, enter the user name as your University username followed by (e.g., choose No for Prompt password, and enter your University password in the password field.
  15. Your device should now connect to eduroam.


If you cannot connect, check that:

  • You are at a location with good signal strength.
  • If you are a member of staff, you have remembered to add to the end of your username.
  • If you are a student, you you have remembered to add to the end of your username.
  • You are typing your University password correctly.

These settings will only work if you have a University of Reading username - if you are from a different organisation, you will need to refer to your home organisation for the correct instructions.

If you require further assistance, please contact the IT service desk.

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